Cycle Club Kingston

In 2008, after 20+ years of running, I transitioned to the bike and fell in love! Together with my husband, Jim King, we founded Cycleclubkingston.

CycleClubKingston promotes cycling in Kingston, NY, (Hudson Valley).

Co-Founders, Cycle Club Kingston, Jim & Lori King

We led outdoor group rides during the summer months and indoor training during the winter months of New York’s Hudson Valley (November through March).

The Indoor season was dedicated to improving the cycling condition of participants. We focused on all aspects of biking, including bike fit, pedaling efficiency, riding position, bike upgrades, weight loss, athletic performance on your bike, and more. Specifically, we trained on Paceline skills for drafting, climbing skills, sprinting skills, shifting, and understanding using power, heart rate & cadence as performance indicators.  We worked on using your heart rate to improve performance while riding in the aerobic zone, anaerobic zone,  & intervals into the RED Zone.  We also worked on recovering at effort or getting back toward the recovery zone while maintaining a 90 cadence.  We watched the Tour De France and discussed performance strategies that are useful to us on group rides to avoid getting dropped.  Most importantly, we bonded socially, improving our riding skills for the summer months to come.

Check out this video on pedaling efficiency: