Settle For or Settle In?

Settle For or Settle In?

Some people choose to SETTLE FOR a life that is less than they dream of, while other people decide to SETTLE IN while they move toward their dreams, persisting until every one of them comes to fruition. It’s a subtle difference in the word combination with very...
Take Action

Take Action

Was there ever a time in your life where you took action and it changed the course of your life? Action is the step that takes us closer to our goals, changes the direction of our lives, and makes dreams come true. Action, alone, is the tinder which ignites the map,...
Spring Success

Spring Success

I love the chunking of time – decades, years, seasons or quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds – and how it helps to break down goals into more manageable segments. At any given point you have the the opportunity to check in and evaluate...