They say to find your true passion in life you need look no further than your childhood. Oprah, for example, as a little girl supposedly lined up her dolls and interviewed them. For me, as a child, I was always on my bike. I have SO many stories about biking – I...
For over 20 months, I lived in FEAR of a bike course. It had become a GOLIATH in my mind. Little did I know, I had the strength and courage of David within me I was a runner for 24+ years. An IT Band injury in the fall of 2008 led me to try road cycling. It was love...
Wheels to Wellness This week’s “spoke” in my Wheels to Wellness summer series is rest and recovery. Life lesson from the Bike In cycling, at the gym, and with athletics in general, it is easy to focus on our training. How many miles, how many reps, what weight, how...
Life Lessons from the Bike As a cyclist, I’ve learned a lot on the bike. I remember some of my first bicycles as a child. Some had pedal brakes, went backward when you pedaled backward, or had training wheels to help me keep my balance. As an adult, my passion is with...
From Greeting Cards to Resolutions… don’t miss the point! Every year I get at least 2 Christmas “letters” in place of greeting cards. You know the ones. The recap of the previous year of all the highlights and important details. I love getting...