Some time ago, I was looking for a unique way to sign my emails. I searched my heart for what I wanted more of in my life and came up with #love, #gratitude, and #kindness. I realized that’s what our world could use more of as well. November has become known as the...
While gratitude is an attitude we can adopt year-round, November is well known as the gratitude and thanks-giving month. I love how people have embraced this idea, sharing daily what they are thankful for on social media. Gratitude was one of the tools I used to...
And the greatest of these is love. It is week 9 of the MKMMA and Haanel’s Master Key Part Nine tells us there are only three things which we, as humans, desire in the world: Health, Wealth and Love. “All will admit that Health is absolutely essential; no one can be...
Every November, we see articles, photos and reminders about gratitude and Thanksgiving. The reality is that we can always find something to be grateful for. And no matter how bad you think things are, someone will always go through something worse. At the end of the...