Since publishing Come Back Strong in 2017, I have had the opportunity to connect with women all over the globe. We discuss hormone health in Menopause Cafe’s, Facebook groups, and at Virtual Summits. Menopause is a subject close to my heart and one that deserves...
Aside from a few minor details, it would seem as though Helen crawled inside my heart, mind, and soul when she wrote the following guest blog post. As an introvert and HSP, I have done my share of self-isolating, especially during surgical menopause, the pandemic, and...
Self–Care Awareness Month in September is a time to remind us that taking care of ourselves is absolutely essential. In my experience with hormonal challenges and menopause, I strongly believe self-care is a key component. And what better way to practice self-care...
Morrie said the reason people were unhappy was because they walked through their lives like they were sleepwalking. ~ MITCH ALBOM In my research on the symptoms of menopause, I heard from women who complained of a lack of drive or motivation. I could relate. At the...
Having experienced menopause suddenly and intensely by way of surgery, I know the value of the right mindset combined with a little humor and a whole lot of prayer. Angela Verges combines all three in her book Menopause Ain’t No Joke: Blending Faith and Humor in...