Wanting or Willing?

Wanting or Willing?

When it comes to change, the reality of your success lies in the difference between WANTING something to be different and being WILLING to do what it takes to make it happen. Wanting keeps you in limbo. Willing takes action and moves you forward. Wanting keeps you in...
Food Bullying

Food Bullying

Navigating the social aspect of your healthy lifestyle Congratulations! You’ve decided to make some healthy changes to your lifestyle. You may be tempted to keep this decision to yourself, however a key aspect of your success will lie in the accountability that comes...
Life Lessons from Hives

Life Lessons from Hives

I am always excited to turn the calendar page to MARCH! This is the month where Daylight Savings Time begins, my luvies has a birthday, spring begins, we all get to be Irish for a day, and no matter what the weather brings, we know days with more sunlit hours are...
Self-hate or Self-love?

Self-hate or Self-love?

The ultimate Valentine: Self-Love February is heart month. Every where we look we see and hear promotions for heart health and advertising for Valentine’s Day. Whether we are talking about a healthy heart or a great love, we cannot neglect the importance of...
Reclaim Your Morning

Reclaim Your Morning

Is Stuff Getting in the Way of Your Transformation? That was the title of a blog post by Jim King, sports nutritionist and personal trainer, in January 2016. He wrote about the “Wish” person and the “But” person: “I WISH I could lose weight, I...