I used to think that I had no control over my emotions. What I have found are tools, tips, and habits that allow me to be master emotion AND cause others to react more positively.

Master of Emotion

“Today I will be a master of my emotions.”

The first time I read this opening sentence in Scroll VI of Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, it was with a bit of trepidation. Why the fear, apprehension and dread, you might ask? Because I’ve always thought of myself as a highly emotional being. And not in a positive way.  I’ve blamed hormones, adrenals, mood swings, circumstances, even other people for a low or bad mood. I used it as an excuse, thinking that I had no control, which ultimately left me feeling disempowered.

I also felt very alone.

I thought I was the only one on earth whose moods rise and fall like the tides.

You can imagine my delight as I continued, reading that “…all nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of nature…” In nature, the tides, seasons, sun, moon, birds, flowers, and seeds each have their own rise and fall.

Why shouldn’t I? I am also part of nature.

Joy Comes in the Morning, Master EmotionAnd yet, in my darkest hours, I always trusted that “weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”  (Psalm 30:5)

I knew the sadness would pass: “It is one of nature’s tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday’s joy will become today’s sadness; yet today’s sadness will grow into tomorrow’s joy.” (Mandino)

So if the good news is that I’m not alone, then the even BETTER news is that I can control these moods with action. I can indeed be master of my emotions.

Why Master Emotion?

As I wrote in Week 18 – The Cause and Effect of Success and Happiness, happier people are less stressed, more productive, and successful. In addition, we can be a blessing as we partner with the Universe – who I call God – to make a difference to uplift and encourage others.

“If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers
then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism…

If I bring joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter to my customers
they will react with joy 
and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter…” (Mandino)

We have the power to change our world and the world around us, simply by changing our thoughts, simply by becoming magnetic!

Imagine a world of people filled with joy, enthusiasm, brightness, and laughter causing other people to react with joy, enthusiasm, brightness and laughter!

How Do I Master Emotion?

During sad or emotional moments, my husband has been known to ask me what I was thinking about in that exact moment. He knows our THOUGHTS are the CAUSE. Our emotions, happiness, health, prosperity, and moods are the effect! Therefore we must focus on the world within to master emotion.

Over the past 22 weeks, we have learned many tools to change our thoughts and habits and ultimately, decrease both the frequency and intensity of negative emotions. These tools include flashcards, affirmations, gratitude, journaling, meditation, the law of substitution, and mastermind alliances. (read more in The Cause and Effect of Success and Happiness)

In December of 2016, I wrote Joy To the World or Blue Christmas, highlighting 12 things you can practice that will boost your mood.

And now from Og we learn that we can use ACTION to control our thoughts! Before we are “captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity, and failure –

  • If I feel depressed, I will sing. If I feel sad, I will laugh…
  • If I feel fear, I will plunge ahead…
  • If I feel poverty, I will think of wealth to come…
  • If I feel incompetent, I will remember past success.”

Some days will be easier than others. Regardless, we will offer ourselves grace and love and kindness as we work to change our habits and thoughts.

It's all about love, the greatest emotionKindness to Others

And since it is all about love, we will recognize that everyone deals with the same mood swings. Everyone we meet is dealing with their own battle. They may not have yet learned the tools to master their emotion.

Let us follow the Golden Rule – do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Just as we offer love, grace, and kindness to ourselves, so too do we offer it to others! When someone is angry or irritable, offer understanding. Knowing that tomorrow he may be a joy to approach! Do not judge another based on one meeting or interaction

As I recognize and identify this mystery of moods in all mankind, I will add in gratitude and enthusiasm:

Gratitude for the Master Key Master Mind Alliance and the 26-week scholarship I was blessed with. I am grateful for the leaders, guides, masterminds, exceptional readings, and tools this course has provided on this amazing journey of self-discovery, purpose, love, kindness, happiness, and success.

Enthusiasm for my future and for the many more lives we will touch and change for a better world!



With love, kindness, and gratitude,

Lori Ann King

Lori Ann King, body builder modeling Stealthletic Gear

Lori Ann King