What you and I desire, what we all desire, what everyone is seeking, is Happiness and Harmony. If we can be truly happy we shall have everything the world can give. If we are happy ourselves we can make others happy. (Charles F Haanel)
This key phrase from Haanel’s Master Key 13 reminded me of the question I’ve been asking myself this year: Am I happy because everything is going well, or is everything going well because I’m happy? (Read more at Week 9 – Health, Wealth and Love – MKMMA)
Haanel goes on to say
we will GET exactly what we GIVE, but we shall have to give it first. It will then return to us many fold, and the giving is simply a mental process, because THOUGHTS are CAUSES and CONDITIONS are EFFECTS; therefore in giving thoughts of courage, inspiration, health or help of any kind we are setting causes in motion which will bring about their effect.
THOUGHTS (of courage, inspiration, health, help, love) are the CAUSE!
CONDITIONS (happy, healthy, prosperous, harmonious) are the EFFECT!
Thought is a spiritual activity and is therefore creative, but make no mistake, thought will create nothing unless it is consciously, systematically, and constructively directed; and herein is the difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation of effort, and constructive thinking, which means practically unlimited achievement.
My heart is filled with gratitude as I look back over the past 12 weeks and how this MKMMA course, created by Mark and Davene (and enhanced by so many team members, certified guides, and masterminds that have joined them in their vision), is so brilliantly assembled!
From day one, we’ve “consciously, systematically, and constructively” directing our thoughts toward our dreams, greatest desires, passions, and purpose!
We are in the final days of 2017 and as I look back to the beginning of the year, I find a blog post from January 22, 2016, that I wrote about The Happy Factor.
Check this out:
“I have learned that our energy, our feelings, our thoughts, our happiness, our success truly are within our control. Sure it’s by God’s grace but what I love about the Universe – who I call God – is that it all works in partnership. Which means I have to do my part.
How do I do my part? I consciously and consistently CHOOSE to be happy. To be grateful. To love. To forgive. And even, to smile.
This involves taking every thought captive – and choosing what I think about.”
WOW! 2016 began with the head knowledge of this concept that what we think about is the direct cause of our life! It has moved from my head to my heart and added to it are the tools and the working plan of action!
A part of my DMP has already come to fruition: earlier this month, Jimmie and I spent a week on vacation in Mexico!
So grateful!