It’s never too soon or too late to receive menopause support. The information we glean can help throughout any season of hormonal challenge.

In a recent social media video I said that in 2015, when I went through surgical menopause, nobody was talking about menopause. In contrast, today, everyone is talking about it. I believe that’s true, as I’ve seen and heard Michelle Obama, Drew Barrymore, Oprah, and Amy Schumer bring awareness to it.

However, what’s also true is that women are still feeling alone and confused when it comes to hormonal challenges. There remains a lack of menopause support for many women.

There is also a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there. Sometimes, when we’re confused, we do nothing. We continue to suffer in silence.

Cover of Book: Come Back Strong, Balanced Wellness After Surgical Menopause by Lori Ann KingLearning about menopause was a long, lonely journey for me. I researched and talked to many doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other non-traditional healers. I was persistent, seeking knowledge, answers, and solutions that were best for me. I read books, listened to podcasts, and attended webinars. I modified my lifestyle as I chased symptoms. Two years into my journey, I published my first book, Come Back Strong, as a way of sharing everything that I had learned. If I could help even one woman improve the quality of their life or feel less alone, my mission would be complete.

As I continue to interact with both my local community and a global network, I realize that menopause is still a taboo subject in many circles. There is more work to be done. Awareness and open conversations are critical. Below I list a few resources for menopause support. If you are inclined, please share this post with your network to help more people.

As a reminder, my writing is about awareness, education, and empowerment. I’m not a doctor or a hormone specialist. I’m simply a woman who was having an ovarian cyst removed and woke up having had a hysterectomy and in full-onset surgical menopause.



Menopause Support Groups and Webinars

Find a Practitioner

Full disclosure, I am on my seventh doctor/hormone specialist since my hysterectomy/oophorectomy which put me into sudden surgical menopause. One change happened because we moved out of state, and two happened because the drive was too far for the number of times per year I required support. Other times the change occurred because I didn’t feel fully seen, heard, or supported.

I tell you this because I strongly believe that the quality of our health and wellness is dependent upon the relationships we have with our support team. Do your research, educate yourself, and empower yourself to also TRUST your intuition as your best guide and resource.

I choose bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as the best option for me. This comes with an out-of-pocket expense. I have found that I can lower my costs by finding a primary physician and laboratory covered by my insurance so that I’m only paying for the prescription.

Remember, any hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has to feel right to you personally.

An Excerpt From My Book: Come Back Strong, Balanced Wellness After Surgical Menopause

Educate Yourself

Educate yourself on all options and alternatives, especially when it comes to surgery, drugs, and lifestyle changes. This book can help. It will be to your benefit to understand the:

    • Natural progression of menopause.
    • Suddenness of surgical menopause.
    • Symptoms of menopause.
    • Options for hormone replacement therapy.
    • Difference between synthetic hormone therapy and BHRT.

In addition, understanding the many aspects of wellness and how surgical menopause can interrupt our sense of balance can help to keep things in perspective. These topics are covered in Chapter 3, “Wellness and the Challenges of Menopause.” Having this basic understanding will help you communicate with your medical care team and make the best decisions concerning your health, surgery, and recovery.

Surround Yourself with Menopause Support

Finally, I encourage you to seek the support you require. This often comes in two areas:

  1. Health experts to advise you.
  2. Friends, family, and women in similar situations who support you.

Disclaimer: The author/publisher does not dispense medical or psychological advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician or psychotherapist, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author/publisher is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this article for yourself, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

©2024 Lori Ann King

Additional Reading:

From my blog:

Additional Resources

Cover of Book: Come Back Strong, Balanced Wellness After Surgical Menopause by Lori Ann King

Buy Come Back Strong (ebook)