As part of an assignment this week, I watched Door To Door, a 2002 movie about Bill Porter (William H. Macy), a man afflicted with cerebral palsy, is desperate to find a job despite his condition. He uses his sense of humor, determination and winning spirit to...
Before December 31, 2016, I spend Christmas week in Jamaica! It feels wonderful to relax, rest, and play! The sun on my skin is warm and the sound of the ocean is music to my ears! So this was part of my original DMP. At some point, I attempted to change “jamaica” to...
Week two of the MKMMA brings revisions to my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) and the addition of the Personal Pivotal Needs (PPN). Habits I have continued reading 3 times a day which is feeling more the norm than the overwhelm. I am already seeing changes in my life and...