Come Back Strong for Book Clubs, Women’s Groups, or Virtual Events. Women can support each other, celebrate victories, and share struggles. They can be powerful collaborators. Yet, we often choose to go it alone, stuffing our pain and hiding life’s challenges. It...
While gratitude is an attitude we can adopt year-round, November is well known as the gratitude and thanks-giving month. I love how people have embraced this idea, sharing daily what they are thankful for on social media. Gratitude was one of the tools I used to...
Surgery did one thing for sure: It took me down into a state of forced rest, which was good. Good, but only sometimes easy for a type A personality like me. I work hard, and I play hard. I’ve now learned to rest as well. In athletics, there is an intensity-to-recovery...
Fatigue is a common complaint of menopausal woman and caffeine or sugar are a common response. However, there are alternative solutions that can help you sleep better, experience less anxiety, and get off the roller coaster of energy highs and lows that you live with....
Every one of us can choose to follow faith or fear, especially during menopause. We can fear the worst, thinking we will never be the same or get well, or we can have faith that every day, we are being healed, restored, and will come back stronger than ever. We can...