You won’t thrive in an environment that you aren’t supposed to be in. I bought this Monstera Deliciosa Plant, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, a couple of years ago to brighten up my workplace. At the time, I had to be in an office in person from 8 a.m. to 5...
As a white woman in America, I have struggled to understand prejudice from a black perspective. I did not understand white privilege growing up in a predominantly white area. I had no experience or understanding of what the phrase “driving while black”...
I’m not a mom. The Beauty of Mothering. Originally posted on The Bearing All Project. It was Sunday morning. We were packed into the pews like sardines. The pastor’s message was about hope, new beginnings, and the blessing and joy of mothering…that...
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Celebrate Diversity Month, two topics that weigh heavily on my heart. Read on to learn how anger and sports can be a positive, as well as what to be aware of for challenges. Bullying, Child Abuse, And Racism Result in a...
“What do you want for Christmas?” It’s a common question that is asked leading into the holiday season. Often the answer involves material things such as a bike, a game, or the last “cool” thing that was advertised on television or the internet. Sometimes, the answer...
Change is hard. Hard on us and hard on the people around us. One of the things that makes change so hard is that it is often unexpected. Unexpected Change In 2020, it seems we are faced with something new or unfamiliar every day. We’re in uncharted territory that no...