First off, I can’t start a post about freedom without thanking our service men and women, past, present, and future, who fight for freedom. They fight because they believe… not just in freedom for themselves, but freedom for their country. When you believe in...
Permission and Kindness. I believe these are two values that we all need to keep in the forefront of our minds. Whether it is permission to tell your story or permission to hug, kiss or touch, you can never go wrong by asking permission first. And regardless of your...
I’ve been in the wellness field for close to a decade and my team and I specialize in healthy lifestyle transformations. We get to watch as people improve in the areas of weight wellness, performance, and vitality & well-being. As we gear up to finish 2018 strong,...
Earlier this year I wrote a blog post about Food Bullying. It was from the standpoint that as adults, when we embark on a healthier lifestyle, we are sometimes exposed to food bullying. My advice was to tell your friends and family WHY you are making the healthy...