My husband, Jim, and I love road cycling and over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to ride with many people of all levels and skill sets, from amateur to pro. It’s one of our passions and a great form of exercise and physical activity as part of a healthy...
When I was thrust into surgical menopause in 2015, I had no idea what to expect. At that time, I thought menopause symptoms only consisted of hot flashes and night sweats. But when chronic insomnia hit, I couldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep. I had no idea poor...
After self-publishing my first book, Come Back Strong, I knew I wanted to celebrate. There were a lot of details to figure out such as where did I want this event to happen? What day? What time? How to get the word out? What should I offer my guests? Coffee and tea?...
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Celebrate Diversity Month, two topics that weigh heavily on my heart. Read on to learn how anger and sports can be a positive, as well as what to be aware of for challenges. Bullying, Child Abuse, And Racism Result in a...
It was late March 2015 when the first hive showed up. It had been a stressful season of my life and I chalked my skin’s inflammation up to stress. I was facing another procedure to remove a troublesome ovary. Little did I know that a “simple” procedure would...